Visits and Education

wordcloudDrawing from her experience as a childminder, an English teacher and a Secondary school librarian, as well as an author, Rachel Coverdale is able to offer educational visits to primary schools, secondary schools, staff training and groups.

Who Hides Here? – Exploring Nature with Pre-School / Nursery / Reception Children

Based on the “Who Hides Here?” Footprints books, children will take part in a fun half-hour interactive presentation, teaching them about UK animals whose footprints they might find and the importance of looking after wildlife.

Workshops also available.

The Boy Who Couldn’t – Inspiring Reading for Pleasure for KS2 / KS3

A lively and engaging one-hour presentation demonstrating the importance of reading and why books are better than films based on the book “The Boy Who Couldn’t”. Covers animal welfare, bullying and believing in yourself.

Creative writing workshops also available.

Literacy Across The Curriculum – Professional Development for Teachers

A fun and informative two-hour session, exploring the literacy requirements and responsibilities in all subjects. Easy, innovative ways to integrate literacy effectively, to improve student performance and progress.